Simpnot is a project in progress which consists of a retro FPS inspired by games known as "Boomer shooter" (Quake, Dusk, Painkiller, etc).

This prototype was made to validate some aspects of the gameplay, more specifically the core gameplay. It serves to answer the questions below:

- The movement of player is fun?

- Is the combat fast-paced?

- The weapons are fun to use?

- Has the game a good weapon variety?

- How good is the visual/sound feedback?

- Does the player "feel" each gun shot?

- Does the gameplay remember other retro FPS games?

As a prototype, this build only presents basic gameplay and outsourced assets, serving only to test the core. Any feedback would be very helpful, thanks for playing!



W -Move forward

S - Move backward

A -  Strafe left

D - Strafe right

Space - Jump

Left Ctrl - Crouch

Q - Dash

Left Mouse Button - Fire

Right Mouse Button - Zoom (Sniper only)

Mouse Wheel Forward - Next weapon

Mouse Wheel Back - Previous weapon

1 - 8 - Switch to weapon...

Esc - Pause

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